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- Looking for advice since I replaced new anode rod my water heater doesn’t heat on […]
- Looking to replace the original suspension shackle system on my 38GK. Have any of you […]
- We have 15 people signed up already. We would like to bring our group together […]
- Anyone know where I can find pendant light globe for 2018 3401rl? tiara and trek […]
- We have owned, fulltimed and traveled the USA in our Redwood 38FL for over 10 […]
About Us
The Redwood Owners Group (ROG) is a non-profit organization designed specifically to provide Redwood RV enthusiasts with knowledge, expertise and ideas to enhance the ownership experience for all current, former, prospective and potential owners of Redwood Luxury Vehicles manufactured by Crossroads RV/Redwood of Topeka, Indiana.
ROG was established by and for owners of Redwood, Cypress, Sequoia and Blackwood fifth wheel trailers to facilitate a cooperative relationship between owners and the management team at Crossroads RV/Redwood.
Members of ROG from all over the United States and Canada gather for fellowship, education and technical support from Crossroads RV/Redwood at the national rally near the factory headquarters in Indiana. We also support regional rallies and social gatherings all over North America and host a monthly “Redwood Roundtable”; a one-hour video conference on a wide variety of topics, including technical, travel, communication and improvements.
Please consider joining the ROG, a place where owners help owners!