On my antenna crank it says to grease the gears twice a year. Where in the heck to I find the gears or how do I do it ? What grease? Silicone spray, graphite grease?
What kind of antenna is on your Redwood? The Winegard antenna manual will have the instructions for lubrication. Easy. Read and you shall probably find the information you need in the technical library.
There's a plastic plug in the metal portion on the roof, remove plug (carefully, like I said it's plastic) & I use silicone spray, I spray all the joints while up there.
Travelin' Texans
Former '13 FB owner
Currently rvless!!
should the antenna be up or down?
Here are all the manuals on the Sensar Antenna: http://www.winegard.com/support?support=Sensar_IV,_Sensar_III,_and_Wingman
You will need the antenna in both the up and down positions...
From the Manual: