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Satellite dish how to connect in Redwood 36RL 2013

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We are having a difficult time trying to get our Winegard Pathway X2 connected from the basement area to the tvs. Any suggestions?

Posted : August 9, 2018 3:55 PM
Posts: 10846

When using the over the air antenna the Winegard Antenna booster needs to be turned on (Green Light on). Antenna booster needs to be turned off for cable and satellite systems. There are also coax plates at the TV locations. If using satellite versus OTA you might need to change where you connect your coax to. Others have used cable toners and testers to confirm connections.

2012 36RL

Posted : August 9, 2018 4:23 PM
Posts: 0
New Member

Thank you! We have tried everything, but no luck.

Posted : August 9, 2018 4:45 PM
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I'm not familiar with that Winegard model but we have a Winegard dish on the roof. we have a sat receiver connected to it above the TV in our 36RL. You probably have a coax bundle in the cupboard above the TV, in our unit the coax goes to the sat receiver then the HDMI output from the receiver goes to the HDMI input of the TV via an HDMI cable that I bought and fished from the sat receiver area down to the TV, the HDMI input on the TV is at the bottom left in the back corner of the TV.

I had to use a cable tracer to determine which one of the coax cables came from the input near the water/sewage input area.

Not sure if this helps.

As an add, on the audio side our sat receiver has an optical output, I connected it to the optical input of the DVD player that was installed by Redwood to get sound through the audio system instead of just the TV, better quality sound, you have to select optical input on the DVD to get the sound from the sat receiver.

Posted : August 10, 2018 8:07 AM
Posts: 10846

We have a 2013 FL and our orange coloured sat cables were bundled in a cupboard below the TV. Similar to Al, I used a cable tracer to determine which ones came from the convenience centre.

Can't guarantee they used the same cable, but our coaches are similar ages.

Posted : August 10, 2018 10:20 AM
Posts: 10846

Try the coax cable tracer first so you have confidence in the wiring of the coach. I was helping troubleshoot a satellite hookup in a Sequoia while at a campground and was stumped. Everything seemed right but no signal. Turned out they had a bad satellite box from Dish or Direct.

Posted : August 10, 2018 11:20 AM
Posts: 0
New Member

Thank you everyone for all your suggestions. We have tried them all and still no luck. :whistle:

Posted : August 10, 2018 3:38 PM
Posts: 10846

If you’ve tried everything, where do you have a good signal? You should be able to connect your satellite directly to your box connected directly to your tv and have a good signal. If that doesn’t work then you have a bad box, bad antenna or bad tv and your provider should help you troubleshoot that. Through the process of elimination you should at least be able to find out where the problem is.

Posted : August 10, 2018 3:50 PM
Posts: 0
New Member

We can run satellite from pathway x2 through receiver to tv and it works great. We were hoping since our RV has inlets for coax that it'd be as simple as just running coax to receiver to tv. Hahaha not so.

Anyone have schematics on satellite/cable for a 2013 36RL? We were also told satellite will not work if there are spittlers.

Thank you all for your suggestions.

Posted : August 10, 2018 6:08 PM
Posts: 10846

I have a “16” 38RL and use the Pathway X2 with no issues.. I hook up to the satellite IN port in the convenience center.

I went to Home Depot and purchased a signal tracer for around $19.00.. you put 1 cap on 1 end, and the larger cap on the other end of the orange wire near the entertainment enter. Once it starts buzzing, that is the wire you are hooked to outside...

Posted : August 10, 2018 8:51 PM
Posts: 10846

We can run satellite from pathway x2 through receiver to tv and it works great. We were hoping since our RV has inlets for coax that it'd be as simple as just running coax to receiver to tv. Hahaha not so.

Anyone have schematics on satellite/cable for a 2013 36RL? We were also told satellite will not work if there are spittlers.

Thank you all for your suggestions.

You will find a generic cable drawing in the Technical Library in the Redwood drawings folder.

Posted : August 10, 2018 11:06 PM
Posts: 884
Prominent Member

Remove the bedroom ceiling light adove & to the right of the bedroom tv, fish around in the ceiling & you may find a splitter for cable tv (wired incorrectly), mine were gray or white & orange cables used for satellite system also with a splitter, at least in my '13 FB that's what we found. Sorry I use to have pictures but can't locate them now.

Travelin' Texans
Former '13 FB owner
Currently rvless!!

Posted : August 10, 2018 11:12 PM
Posts: 10846

On our '12 36RL the Sat line from the convenience center was never terminated at the other end

Posted : August 11, 2018 9:29 AM
Posts: 10846

On our 2012 36RL a splitter was above the ceiling accessed by removing a light near the bedroom tv. Of course the coax from the Winegard antenna booster was attached to an output port on the splitter, not to the input as it should have been. Changed coax positions and all 3 tvs have better over the air signal now. I have also heard that some satellite set ups don't like splitters, and that some may require a multiplexer to allow the signal to pass to all desired destinations.

Chris and Maria

Posted : August 11, 2018 9:49 AM
Posts: 10846

We can run satellite from pathway x2 through receiver to tv and it works great. We were hoping since our RV has inlets for coax that it'd be as simple as just running coax to receiver to tv. Hahaha not so.

You have coax inputs for satellite that differs from cable & Ota. The receiver uses hdmi from it to the tv, not coax. If you don’t have a straight run, it’s not going to work. As others mentioned, buy a coax tester and trace your runs.


Posted : August 11, 2018 11:05 AM
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