What is 6 prong plug wire in bedroom cupboard near tv antenna switch/hookups
Can you take a picture of your plug?
It could be your WinGuard Satellite Pre-Wiring.
What is 6 prong plug wire in bedroom cupboard near tv antenna switch/hookups
Welcome to the ROG, just noted it is your first post. Any chance of describing the type of wire or even a photo, as Gip suggested. Nothing comes to mind quickly, but those of us with older coaches don't have the technology that's been added in the last couple of years.
It will be for the wingaurd satellite dish if you install one.
The other end of the wire is on the roof
It will be for the wingaurd satellite dish if you install one.
The other end of the wire is on the roof
That's good to know! I purchased a Winegard Travlr Dish HD system from my dealer when I purchased my coach and didn't know they were pre-wired.
There is a plate or cover on the roof you remove and that wire and the coax to the TV are there
Shane - That makes sense now, as with the FL all our Sat pre-wires come into the living room, which on the other models is the bedroom.
Thanks! I think you have it. As far as the roof goes, I only see coax hookups and I did trace those to the Living room and Bedroom. I bought Winegard G2 carryout and Dish Wallys as receivers. They use coax only. So, I'm all set because they have prewired multiple connections going all over. However, I will look again. Do you know if they could have roofed over it? I did see a square spot that looked soft. First time for a forum site and I never had participated in one before. A little overwhelming. But, I do appreciate all the input this is great! Thanks
The Traveler wire harness will be taped to one of the coax and pushed back under the roof. With the G2 it's not used so no need to find it.
As Andy said, welcome aboard ! You will find there is a wealth of information on the site and a bunch of great people. Have fun with your Redwood, we all do !!
Pam and I are having fun so far. Thanks to all! Obviously rookies but, fast learners, I think. Has anyone actually ran additional wires to the roof? I'm looking at a wifi extender/amplifier that is "ethernet" cable and would like to find an easy way. Thanks again.
Pam and I are having fun so far. Thanks to all! Obviously rookies but, fast learners, I think. Has anyone actually ran additional wires to the roof? I'm looking at a wifi extender/amplifier that is "ethernet" cable and would like to find an easy way. Thanks again.
Our dealer installed the dish and ran 4 new wires, as our Shaw system requires 2 wires to each receiver to utilise a PVR.