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RV storage Tuscon Apr-Dec 31

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We are tired of having our Redwood beat up on the highways and are looking to store our 2013 36 FB in Tuscon. Has anyone had experience with this and do you have any recommendations?

Posted : December 9, 2019 12:19 PM
Posts: 884
Prominent Member

We are tired of having our Redwood beat up on the highways and are looking to store our 2013 36 FB in Tuscon. Has anyone had experience with this and do you have any recommendations?

We are in Picacho Peak to the west of Tucson, before selling our RW it was stored here for a couple years due to health issues, listed below was my experience.
Your 3 biggest issues will be #1 the sun & #2 critters, & #3 no humidity.
A good wax job & roof maintenance prior to storage would be needed for #1. I would not recommend a cover, the wind & dust during the summer flapping that cover would, in my opinion, do more damage than uncovered if by chance it lasted all summer without getting torn up.
Spread several packets of Fresh Cab rodent repellant in/under several spots throughout the interior & storage compartments, also some Ramick Green pellets underneath the RV (both found at TSC) to help with #2.
For #3 get 2-3 large Rubbermaid storage tubs to fill with water & if possible have someone check on it periodically to refill those tubs.
You'll need to disconnect the batteries, not using the factory disconnect unless you've rewired it. Remove the negative cable from battery that goes directly to the ground will disconnect all battery drain. I bought a 2 amp solar charger at Batteries+ & connected + lead to one battery & - lead to the other, fished cable through the propane compartment & hung it facing west, this kept the batteries right at 12 volts all year. You may need someone also to check the water in the batteries occasionally also.
Others may chime in with some things I may have forgot to mention.

Travelin' Texans
Former '13 FB owner
Currently rvless!!

Posted : December 9, 2019 2:57 PM
Posts: 0
New Member

Not sure if you are looking for info on locations or for "how-to" info (the post above is excellent!). In terms of storage locations, we don't store ours but in moving through the area, I would check at Lazy Days (both the dealer and the KOA) for storage possibilities. Also Fortuna de Oro RV park in Yuma also offers storage in the park.

Posted : December 10, 2019 12:11 PM