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What did you do to your redwood today.

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I changed another 2 burnt out led fixtures in the living area. Just 2 more to go of the 5". 10 out of 12 ain't bad.the newer fixtures seem to be lasting better even though they are made in China also. Installed the plexiglass from Door Buddy in the screen door. Had do do a little trimming so it fit properly, turned out good.lubed the foot pedal on our factory Thetford toilet that was starting to stick and the water would keep running and fill the bowl. Just a matter of time before it and I part calibrated the auto level as the the trailer was listing to one side showing level. I thought it was out cause the doors would swing open to one side and when the dog would drop her golf ball it would roll to the drivers side of the trailer. Next up is shocks when I get the extensions from Sonny and then the new tires from ron :whistle:

Posted : May 7, 2016 7:51 PM
Posts: 10846
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I have been living fulltime in my Redwood almost 2 years now, so far I have had only one living room LED light go out a couple of weeks ago.
I ordered 4 of the large and 4 of the small ceiling LEDs for replacements from Tiara RV.
Picked up my LED Light shipment from Tiara / Redwood at my daughters house today and replaced the burned out light.
Now I have plenty of spares if / when more go out.

Got my 17.5 tires from Ron installed yesterday, went around to all wheels with a torque wrench today and checked the torque on all the lug nuts. I will check the lug nut torque again when I get to Miami FL next weekend.

The Lazy Days dealer sticker on the back of my Redwood was starting to weather and look pretty bad and was coming apart, pealed it off and cleaned all the sticky goo off. Looks much better now !!!

Posted : May 7, 2016 9:49 PM
Posts: 10846
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Washed and waxed front and rear caps. What a chore! I have to do it about every three months due to fading. After disc brake install, and improvements to suspension, I will probably break down and get them painted. As Rosanna Rosanna Danna would's always something! 🙂

Posted : May 8, 2016 9:08 AM
Posts: 10846
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Posted : May 8, 2016 9:18 AM
Posts: 10846
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The new ones do not have bulbs. You have to replace the whole fixture. At 10.00 bucks a pop. This is in 18 mths fulltime

Posted : May 8, 2016 11:39 AM
Posts: 10846
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Posted : May 8, 2016 12:40 PM
Posts: 10846
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Because the 2015 and up do not have replaceable bulbs.the bulb and fixture are one unit

Posted : May 8, 2016 12:59 PM
Posts: 10846
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Posted : May 8, 2016 5:57 PM
Posts: 10846
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Perhaps they could but I don't have the time to fool with them. It would take time to remove the existing led fabricate and soder the new bulb socket in etc. Easier to replace

Posted : May 8, 2016 6:58 PM
Posts: 10846
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Tested all systems added water to the tanks. Monday getting her washed and finish the preps for leaving out Thursday for our 3rd trip this year.

Posted : May 8, 2016 10:15 PM
Posts: 10846
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Heading down to the storage yard today to start the preparations for the next trip. Have 2 new batteries to install, have to troubleshoot and fix the landing gear, condition the seals, grease hitch and suspension, clean inside and test all systems.

Posted : May 9, 2016 9:40 AM
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This weekend I pulled the lockbox up out of the floor and pulled both shoe boxes from the closet wall to get access to the front cap. Stuff two roll of insulation in both areas. I think this will make a big difference with the radiant heat in the closet area that heats up the bedroom.

Posted : May 9, 2016 3:13 PM
Posts: 10846
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This weekend I pulled the lockbox up out of the floor and pulled both shoe boxes from the closet wall to get access to the front cap. Stuff two roll of insulation in both areas. I think this will make a big difference with the radiant heat in the closet area that heats up the bedroom.

Also makes a big difference eliminating the chilly air that drafts out of the closet when opened, if you do cold weather camping. Unfortunately we have not figured a way into the rear cap to do same insulating.

Posted : May 9, 2016 6:48 PM
Posts: 10846
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Changed out the original batteries for 2 x Type 31's. Will do a separate post for the challenges experienced.

After 18 mo in storage ran the auto level, spayed all jacks, ran the slides out and started conditioning the gaskets. Heading to the dealer on Friday for an annual inspection (no longer required, but I still complete) and re-packing/inspect the bearings.

Thanks to Terry for driving up and assisting.

Posted : May 9, 2016 7:02 PM
Posts: 10846
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Lowered my rear jacks two bolt holes which is 2 inches. Did this due to installation of MorRyde IS system raising my unit which caused rear jacks to stroke out. Zero point recalibrated and everything looks good.

Posted : May 9, 2016 7:28 PM
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