
February 2020 Presi...
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February 2020 President's Summary

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ROG - Paul
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Joined: 5 years ago
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President’s Summary

The ROG board held its monthly meeting on February 13, 2020 at 11:00 EST. A quorum was present.

Financial Report. Jeff Robinson (Treasurer) gave the January Financial Report. Income for the month was $2,146 which included 23 Rally registrations, and 20 new or renewed ROG memberships. Expenses were $1,141 related to administrative fees, renewal of our website hosting plan, and migrating the previous forum to the new website. Jeff also indicated a problem discovered on the Canada Amazon Affiliate link that he is in the process of fixing.

Nominations Report. Joe Dombrowski (Nominations) recommended that Dennis Harmening be elected to fill the open Vice President position. This was approved by the board. He also has several members who have expressed interest in serving on the board to fill three open positions beginning in July.

2020 National Rally. Lisa Price (Rally Manager) reported that so far we have 43 Redwoods signed up for the 2020 National Rally and is very pleased with the interest. Sign up forms for activities should be available over the next several weeks. This year we will have optional Rally Garden Flags available for purchase.

Membership. Jim Wolfe (Membership) reported he has added 28 new memberships for a total of 271 active ROG members.

Merchandise.  Jim was not able to make progress this month with the vendor for Redwood Owner Group merchandise. Once we have a product sheet we will post that on the website.

We should have the new Redwood Owners Group stickers available within the next few weeks.

Website.  Paul Bridges (President) reported that the website issues are much less frequent now as we’ve had a couple of months experience. Most sign-up issues still relate to one of two things:

  1. Verification email goes to Spam and looks to the user as if they didn’t receive it. (Solution: Check your Spam folder for the verification email).
  2. Old password does not meet the new security requirement for signing in. (Solution: Click “Forgot Password” and sign in with the link provided).

The forum migration was successful, so the contents of the previous website forum have been preserved. There is a lot of work to be done in the organization of the new combined forum, but at least all the content is there.

Our forum has lost momentum in activity but the Facebook page continues to thrive. We think it reflects the changing preferred styles and methods of communication, but the ROG forum is still a valid means of communicating and documenting content useful to owners. 

Next meeting is March 10, 2020 at 11:00 am EST.
