
January 2020 Presid...
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January 2020 President's Summary

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Paul Bridges
Joined: 6 years ago
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President’s Report

The ROG board held its monthly meeting on January 14, 2020 at 11:00 EST. A quorum was present.

Jeff Robinson (Treasurer) gave the December and Year Ending Financial Reports. For FY2019, the ROG began the year with a bank balance of $12, 807.27 and ended with a net income of $2,490.60 and bank balance of $15,297.87. As a reminder, the National Rally is self sufficient with rally income covering rally expenses.

The Vice President position is still open, pending Joe Dombrowski’s (Nominations) recommendation for a board member to assume that position. We should have a recommendation in February.

2020 National Rally plans are well under way with registration beginning near the end of January. We are very close to having registration forms tested and published on the website, and Lisa Price (Rally Manager) continues to work with Redwood, suppliers, vendors and activities for the Rally.

Jim Wolfe (Membership) reported on the new membership database, which is automatically sending renewal notices. In December, we had 15 new members join ROG and 5 renewals.

- Jim also reported on a new potential vendor for Redwood Owner Group merchandise.

- We have finalized the design of the die-cut stickers to be provided to Redwood for application in the service bay of new Redwoods that promote the Redwood Owners Group and website. The suggestion was also made to mail a new sticker to all ROG members since some had never received one.  

Dennis Harmening (Technical) will be monitoring Facebook as owners submit suggestions and solutions there. We’ll copy them off of Facebook to the website Technical Library so they are preserved and much easier to search.

Paul Bridges (President) reported on the new website/forum.

- We are still working on some minor improvements and adjustment, and the few registration errors appear to be related to the verification email going to spam. Users who attempt to register but don’t follow the link on the verification email show up as “pending” in the registration list and they are still unable to login and participate in the Forum and Tech Library.

- Members who attempt to login with their old password simply need to click "Forgot Password" if they get an error which should allow them to reset their password. The new forum has a more secure password requirement.

- The goal for this month, in addition to going live with National Rally registration, is to retrieve the archive of the prior website forum.

Next meeting is February 11, 11:00 EST.

2015 Redwood 38RL
2016 Ford F-350 CC KR DRW 6.7 Powerstroke

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Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1

Thank you for sharing and for the work you guys do on our behalf. I’d love a sticker! 

Libby Webb
