
January 2021 Presid...
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January 2021 President's Summary

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Paul Bridges
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 154
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The ROG board held its monthly meeting on January 12 at 11:00 EST. A quorum was present.

1. Financial Report. Jeff Robinson (Treasurer) shared that the December financial report reflected an income of $158 (mostly new member registrations or renewals) and expenses of $36 (mail box and PayPal fees) for a net income for the month of $122.

For the fiscal year of 2020, our beginning bank balance was $15,198. We had budgeted a net loss of $2,604 for the year. Our actual net loss was $110, leaving a bank balance for the end of 2020 of $15,188.

The board approved the corrections to the 2021 budget after a slight spreadsheet error was discovered. 2021 Budget is forecast to be balanced with income and expenses of $21,700 which includes Rally income and expenses.

2. Secretary’s Report. Discussion continued on proposed revisions to the bylaws.

3. Rally Manager Report.  Lisa is delaying the registration process for the 2021 Rally due to the pandemic. The board will be assisting Lisa to develop criteria and timeline for making the decision to hold the in-person 2021 Rally.

4. Membership. During December we had 3 membership renewals, 5 new members, and 5 website registrations, for a total membership of 277 members and 42 website registrations.

5. Marketing. No report.

6. Nominations.  Karen is preparing recommendations for new 2021-22 board member nominations. 

7. Technical Report.  Dave Connor reported all is on schedule for the fourth Redwood Roundtable, Thursday, January 14 at 8:00 pm Eastern. Discussion about future topics and schedule for February, March and April.

8. New Business.  None.

Next board meeting will be Tuesday, February 9, 11:00 am Eastern time.

2015 Redwood 38RL
2016 Ford F-350 CC KR DRW 6.7 Powerstroke
