
May 2020 President'...
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May 2020 President's Summary

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Paul Bridges
Joined: 6 years ago
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President’s Summary, May 2020

The ROG board held its monthly meeting on May 12, 2020 at 11:00 EST. A quorum was present.

1. Financial Report. Jeff Robinson (Treasurer) shared that all refunds for registration fees and rally flags had been issued for a total of $12,129. In addition, PayPal refunded $416 in processing fees. The April financial report reflected a net loss in income of $12,480 (mostly rally refunds) and expenses of -$395 (return from PayPal) for a net loss for the month of $12,085. Bank balance as of April 30 was $15,552.

The board voted to change bank authorized signatures to reflect current board members and officers.

2. Secretary’s Report.

The board voted to suspend the publication of The Hyperion newsletter and pursue the best online methods for sharing owner information.

Official notice for the 2020 Annual General Meeting will be emailed to ROG members this week. The meeting will be held July 15th and Zoom will be the format, with instructions provided to the membership.

Biographies on new board member candidates, reports, and additional information will be provided to the membership by June 14. All voting this year will be by proxy and voting will be open June 15 to July 14.

3. Membership. Current membership stands at 303.

4. Nominations. The board approved the following as 2020 Officers:

Paul Bridges - President

Dennis Harmening - Vice President

Patti Brown - Secretary

Jeff Robinson - Treasurer

5. Marketing.  Jim Wolfe will work with our new vendor to supply product information which will replace our online store.

6. Rally/Substitute Rally/Other Options. We are discussing ideas and possibilities for providing a variety of resources for owners, similar to those found at the rally, using online resources.

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