
November 2020 Presi...
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November 2020 President's Summary

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Paul Bridges
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President’s Summary, November 2020

The ROG board held its monthly meeting on November 10, 2020 at 11:00 EST. A quorum was present.

1. Financial Report. Jeff Robinson (Treasurer) shared that the October financial report reflected an income of $316 (mostly new member registrations or renewals) and expenses of $13 (PayPal fees) for a net income for the month of $303. Bank balance as of October 31 was $14,977.

Jeff shared the proposed 2021 budget. After discussion, slight modifications were made and the final budget will be presented at the December board meeting for approval.

2. Secretary’s Report. No report

3. Rally Manager Report.  Lisa is in the process of establishing a Rally Team to share responsibilities.

4. Membership. During October we had 4 membership renewals, 10 new members, and 4 website registrations, for a total membership of 273 members and 33 website registrations.

5. Marketing. No report.

6. Nominations.  No report. 

7. Technical Report.  Dave Connor reported all is on schedule for the second Redwood Roundtable, Wednesday November 11 at 7:00 pm. After discussion, it was decided the December Roundtable will be held the second Thursday, December 10, to see if a change in the day of week helps participation.

8. New Business.  

The board voted to accept Jim Wolfe’s resignation due to additional and unforeseen workload in his job. Pam Neth agreed to accept responsibilities for Membership.

The board will set a special meeting to review the ROG website and provide discussion for improvement, ease of use, and any other suggestions that would make it easier to use as a resource for owners.

Next board meeting will be Tuesday, December 8, 11:00 am Eastern time.

2015 Redwood 38RL
2016 Ford F-350 CC KR DRW 6.7 Powerstroke
