
October 2020 Presid...
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October 2020 President's Summary

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Paul Bridges
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 154
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The ROG board held its monthly meeting on October 13, 2020 at 11:00 EST. A quorum was present.

1. Financial Report. Jeff Robinson (Treasurer) shared that the August financial report reflected an income of $354 (mostly new member registrations or renewals) and expenses of $165 (MemberPress renewal and PayPal fees) for a net income for the month of $189. Bank balance as of August 31 was $14,674.

All paperwork was submitted to change the authorized signatures for the Bank of America account.

Jeff shared that a proposed 2021 budget will be presented at the November board meeting.

2. Secretary’s Report.An initial meeting was scheduled to begin reviewing the bylaws but had to be canceled. It will be rescheduled

3. Rally Manager Report.  A 40x100 tent and 250 chairs have been reserved for the rally. Lisa is still acting as liaison between Redwood and several owners with issues.

4. Membership. Paul Bridges provided an update on current ROG membership:

Charter Members 47
Industry Members 4
Lifetime Members 9
Regular Members 210
Total 270
Website Registration 31

5. Marketing. ROG decals have been sent to Redwood and will now be included in the owner binders provided with new units.

6. Nominations.  No report. 

7. Technical Report.  Dave Connor reported on progress for the first Redwood Roundtable, Wednesday October 14 at 7:00 pm. Registrations were 11 but Eileen offered additional publicity on the Facebook page. Roundtables will be held the second Wednesday of every month, and the next Roundtable will be a session on Holiday Cooking in Redwoods, November 11 at 7:00 pm.

8. New Business.  The board has been asked to review the ROG website and provide discussion for improvement, ease of use, and any other suggestions that would make it easier to use as a resource for owners.  Will be discussed at the November board meeting.

2015 Redwood 38RL
2016 Ford F-350 CC KR DRW 6.7 Powerstroke
