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President's Summary - March 2022

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Paul Bridges
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 154
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This report summarizes the board activity from Nov-Dec 2021 and Jan-Feb 2022.

Annual Financial Report - Year Ending December 2021.

On December 31, 2020 the Redwood Owners Group had $15,188 in our bank account. 2021 Income was $3,862. Expenses were $1,558, leaving a net income of $2,304. Bank balance as of December 31, 2021 is $17,492.

The board approved the 2022 budget, forecasting non-rally income of $3,650; rally income of $21,800 ($25,450 total); non-rally expenses of $3,650 and rally expenses of $21,800 ($25,450 total).

Jan-Feb 2022 Financial Report.

January income was $515; February income was $605. January expenses were $487; February expenses were $553. Net income for January and February was $80, leaving a bank balance of $17,572.

Board Member Positions

The board accepted the resignation of Pam Neth and Dave Connor.

The board voted to appoint Libby Webb, Ken Wilcox and Larry Gibson to fill open positions in accordance with the bylaws.

Technical Report

Jeff Webber continues to provide outstanding direction on the monthly Redwood Roundtables, the second Thursday of each month at 8:00 pm Eastern time.

Marketing/Membership Report

All active ROG members were sent a letter of thanks and a new ROG sticker in February, and new members will receive a welcome email with an ROG decal from here forward. Special thanks to Eileen Lurker and John Andersen for assisting with this project.

The board voted to include an "exit survey" with email reminders to members who choose not to renew.

As of February 28, 2022 ROG has an active member roll of:

12 Lifetime Members

40 Charter Members

221 Regular Members

273 Total ROG Voting Members

4 Industry Members

72 Website Registrations

2022 National Rally

Larry Gibson is working with Lisa Price to organize the the 2022 Rally.

Registration for the 2022 Redwood Rally is planned to begin after the March Redwood Roundtable. Registration fees have been established: Early Bird $90/person (March 11-31); Regular Registration $115/person (April 1 and thereafter). Cancellation fees will also be applied, as we are making financial commitments based on registrations.

The board voted that rally attendance is contingent on ROG membership, and there will be no "non-member" registration. This is justified in that the ROG organizes and executes the National Rally and supporting ROG for our very nominal membership fee is not unreasonable.

Miscellaneous Items

ROG participated in the Tampa RV Show at the request of the LaMesa RV dealership.

Wendy Webber has agreed to review the bylaws for suggestions of further refinement and clarification.

The ROG continues to advocate for new ideas with Redwood, from improved duct routing to the air conditioner units, better quality tires, and improved braking.

Any ROG member with a concern that the board should address is invited to email with that concern. 

2015 Redwood 38RL
2016 Ford F-350 CC KR DRW 6.7 Powerstroke
