
September 2020 Pres...
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September 2020 President's Summary

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Paul Bridges
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President’s Summary, September 2020

The ROG board held its monthly meeting on September 8, 2020 at 11:00 EST. A quorum was present.

1. Financial Report. Jeff Robinson (Treasurer) shared that the August financial report reflected an income of $210 (mostly new member registrations or renewals) and expenses of $124 (Zoom annual membership and PayPal fees) for a net income for the month of $85. Bank balance as of July 31 was $14,485.

The board was advised that our Capital One account was now closed and all funds are consolidated with Bank of America. Authorized signature changes are in process and should be completed this month.

2. Secretary’s Report.

Initial discussion revolved around areas where bylaw revisions may be necessary to accommodate virtual meetings; clarify board member selection for specific responsibilities or to the board in general, and any other areas that might need clarification. All proposals will be presented to the membership for vote at the 2021 Annual General Meeting.

3. Rally Manager Report. 

The 2021 Rally plans are well under way. Lisa is spending most time right now on owner issues in liaison with Redwood.

Lisa reported the Shipshewana campground continues to take reservations for the 2021 Rally.

2020 Virtual Rally videos are now available on the ROG website.

4. Membership.

Jim Wolfe (Membership) reported that new membership and renewals seem to be steady, with many new owners signing up.

Jim will send 300 ROG decals to Redwood for installation on new Redwood units from the factory.

Some delay is being experience with a potential new apparel/marketing vendor due to changes in their circumstances.

5. Nominations.  No report. 

6. Technical Report

Dave Connor reported several ideas for the first quarterly “Tech Talk” virtual meeting.  The date was set for Wednesday, October 14 at 7:00 pm Eastern time. Dave will work on the format, topic and promotion for the meeting. 

7. New Business. 

Moderation of Facebook page.  The board discussed and reviewed the rules for posting on the Facebook and ROG website forum, and strongly supported the moderators in maintaining adherence to the rules.  There is no objection to posting problems or issues with Redwood coaches looking for solutions to problems, but the board supports moderator deletion on posts that are “rants”, attacks, or flaming against Redwood, all of which is covered in the current rules for posting that all members agree to.

Meeting was adjourned and the next meeting is Tuesday, October 13.

2015 Redwood 38RL
2016 Ford F-350 CC KR DRW 6.7 Powerstroke
