I have been advised that some members are experiencing difficulty when trying to upgrade their membership online.
If you have tried to upgrade your membership and been unable to complete the process please contact me at president@redwoodrvowners.com, advising what problems you experienced.
Ken is currently returning from Alaska, and is off-line, so in the interim I will try to resolve any outstanding problem.
Greetings from Ketchikan AK. I have been able to get on and believe I have resolved the Manage Subscription issue.
If anyone still has problems managing their account please let us know.
Ken & Gizzi
Ford 2015 F350 DRW
"My Redwood; Go anywhere and always be at home."
"The trouble with trouble is it starts as fun"
"I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been" - Wayne Gretzky
Thanks Ken