We'll be in a WalMart tomorrow night, so our slides will not be extended. No campgrouns nearby that are open. Is is OK to run the heat to overcome the 25 degree temps?
I see no reason why not??? Are your vents blocked by the slides? I have known several that would travel with the heat on so when they got to camp, the coach was warm...
The back one in the main body is.
Elliott, I am no expert but do not think thats an issue... Thinking about heat, and registers.... It would be like closing OFF that particular register and diverting heat to the other registers.... right?? AND the slide that is over that register, is it raised by an inch or so?
We are one of those people. It’s often very very cold when we head south. We travel with the heat at 65. Never been a problem. We have stayed at Walmart with the slides in and heat on. The bedroom and bathroom registers are open for sure.
As shown in signature, our 36RL is older than most, but all the gas furnace discharge registers are uncovered when slides are in.
How did you make out ?
We have run the furnace with the slides in overnight when snow was forecast and we didn't want snow/ice on the slide roof areas when we were moving the next morning. Our 36RL has all the vents exposed when the slides are closed
We made out fine. We have been doing it for years, but as the registers are too hot to hold your hand on, I was wondering if I would/have damage(d)anything. We need to stay at a Walmart as we go south and north as no campgrounds on our route that our Redwood would fit in are open at the time of year we pass through. New England closes most of its campgrounds in the winter.