Most here know I have had a unique opportunity to travel and help other RV’rs and I am looking to create a similar opportunity for others. There are over 150 RV shows primarily from January to March. If I’m lucky I can do 10. There are another 200+ rallies a year. This year I am scheduled for 17. There are numerous other opportunities for the race car fan, the horse enthusiast and the ATV’er. Anything that has electric brakes can be converted to disc.
I am looking for some input from you that may have interest in how to structure and manage something like this.
Feel free to call me 405-626-7009 or stop by one of the shows. By the way, I am not looking to work harder!
My goal is to have a plan and people in place for Jan 2017 Shows
Will see you at Shipshewana if schedules allow.