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How to get a electrical schematic

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This site is impossible to figure out how to use. What a cluster.

Posted : May 24, 2018 1:23 PM
Posts: 665
Honorable Member


What you are looking for you may find in the Resources menu under Redwood RV Drawings. There aren't many as Redwood does share much of their schematics but some are there.

Ken & Gizzi
Ford 2015 F350 DRW
"My Redwood; Go anywhere and always be at home."
"The trouble with trouble is it starts as fun"

"I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been" - Wayne Gretzky

Posted : May 24, 2018 2:33 PM
Posts: 10846
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Is there anyplace on this site to learn how to use it? Not very user friendly.

Posted : May 24, 2018 3:02 PM
Posts: 884
Prominent Member

Might help to explain what you're having trouble finding!
There a several other owners searching, maintaining, adding new items constantly & I have never heard any complaints on user friendliness.
This site is owned & operated by volunteer Redwood owners (doing a great job I might add), nothing comes from Redwood, Thor, Crossroads, Keystone or any other outside sources.
Just a heads up,even if you did get ANY schematics on your RW they would not be asbuilts, but just a suggestion to the guys putting them together. From past experiences on this & the other RW forum, I don't there's any 2 built alike.
If you have a problem, ask away, someone on here I'm sure has had the same problem & a fix for it.

Travelin' Texans
Former '13 FB owner
Currently rvless!!

Posted : May 24, 2018 4:16 PM
Posts: 10846
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No disrespect intended. It took me 4 try's to create the account and then went to find a "here is how to move around" page and could not find one. KenA gave me some info that I hope will help. Here is the sad part. I take primary care of the 26 computers and 16 printers at my office and what I can't fix, I turn over to our IT company. This makes me feel like an idiot.
My problem is that the microwave entire out. If I plug it into a different outlet, it works. I hit every GFI on the unit to no avail. I climbed underneath to track the wires on the slide and no luck there either. Every other outlet works. I reset every breaker thinking it may be a dedicated outlet and no luck. I am down to replacing the duplex but can't beleive that would be the problem. If I had a schematic, I could tell where the wires come from.

Posted : May 24, 2018 4:46 PM
Posts: 10846
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OK...I'd like to interject here....

If you can plug the microwave into other outlets or an extension cord from another plug, then your microwave is not the problem (as you have already discovered).

Like many on this site, the problem turns out to be the electrical outlets and wiring.

* Review the attached for the correct way to install the outlets.

* Make sure you purchase receptacles rated for the correct wire/breaker size.

* Be sure to splices wires in the J-Box.

* Pig tail to the outlet.

* Do not put multiple wires under the screw heads.

* Do NOT use the stabs on the back of the receptacle.

The Microwave should not be on a GFI. It should be on a dedicated breaker. Probably a 15A.

See if there are any other outlets not working.

Turn off the power to the RV. Unplugging the 50A cord provides the ultimate protection.

Then pull the receptacle at the microwave and work back thru the kitchen/bar outlets.

More than likely, you'll find the lose connection or a wire pulled out.

Posted : May 24, 2018 6:49 PM
Posts: 884
Prominent Member

One flaw with your help Greg, these are not the same plugs used in residential applications, but cheapo rv versions, no screws, no place to stab, all wires are pressed into blade connectors slicing the covering. I would suspect that plug has probably arced & shorted out, at least that would be my first look.
The GFCI in my bathroom had arced on the load side so nothing from there was hot,but the GFCI was hot from,the line side & not tripped.

Travelin' Texans
Former '13 FB owner
Currently rvless!!

Posted : May 24, 2018 8:00 PM
Posts: 10846
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Maybe the following information will help:

To JOIN the ROG, (see attached)

As for navigating the website, there are a variety of methods, but using the "INDEX" tab on the left side bar will get you to the main page where all of the discussions take place.

This will take you to the Forum Blog. Once on the forum, you'll see the Blue Headers that categorize the topics. Once you under the correct Blue Header, pick a topic and join in. There are a number of sub-categories under each header. You can also add a topic if it has not been discussed. New postings or answers to posting will be shown in GREEN:



This is my opinion. I did not set this up. But I believe this is a category for the Forum Administration Topics. A lot of people interpret this to be a place to ask for technical help, but that really belongs under the TECHNICAL DISCUSSIONS area.


This is the area for the ROG members to discuss what they like, dislike or want to see in the ROG or ROG website. It's also a place for new members to ask questions about the ROG or its website.


This is an area where all technical questions related to your specific RV should be placed. members ask questions and get answers here.


RV Lifestyle area. Anything and everything RV goes here. Camping, full-timing, traveling, should go here. There is a SUGGESTION TO REDWOOD here, but administratively, I wonder if that doesn't fit better under TECHNICAL DISCUSSIONS page.


A private are for members to commingle various discussions, hobbies, RVing in general.


Got something to sell or want to buy?

Is there another area you would like information on?

Posted : May 24, 2018 8:00 PM
Posts: 10846
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Once you get signed up, this is the method to EDIT your Profile:

Posted : May 24, 2018 9:05 PM
Posts: 10846
Topic starter

One flaw with your help Greg, these are not the same plugs used in residential applications, but cheapo rv versions, no screws, no place to stab, all wires are pressed into blade connectors slicing the covering. I would suspect that plug has probably arced & shorted out, at least that would be my first look.
The GFCI in my bathroom had arced on the load side so nothing from there was hot,but the GFCI was hot from,the line side & not tripped.

I kinda thought that might come up with some...Principals are the same (loose connections). I had that diagram from another "cause"...The RV outlets can also be the type where the wire feeds "through". In that case, the wire is still not making solid connections. The connections are weak and result in the same issue. The wire may dead-end there or pass through to the next outlet. Sorry about the confusion...

Posted : May 24, 2018 9:18 PM
Posts: 10846
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I guess I just need to spend some time moving around in here. This has already been a big help in chasing down my problem. I have always done all my own work and in the 70s I worked for Travco Motorhomes so I am familiar with how they build these things. Everything has to go together quick but sometimes not logically. In a Travco 32 foot, the wires changed color between the front and back as many as three times so you could not use the color to trace things. Thank you for your patience and help.

Posted : May 25, 2018 10:59 AM
Posts: 0
New Member

Tigger, if it helps, the board is working on doing a redesign of the website, one of the requirements is to simplify it.

I have a schematic for our Redwood, it's just a line diagram, not much help. The suggestions above are much more help.

Posted : May 25, 2018 1:45 PM
Posts: 10846
Topic starter

I'll try and make this short....Most of the Redwoods of this vintage have 3 electrical circuits in the street side kitchen slide.
1. Fireplace
2. Microwave
3. Norcold fridge, kitchen outlet, and entertainment center.
The circuits start at the breaker panel, and travel back to the street side rear just aft of the back of the slide room. They are spliced into rubber SO cord to make the transition inside the slide and terminate in a 4 square box behind the lower drawer to the left of the fireplace. The splices underneath outside are up inside the plastic sheeting and utilize the splice I've included in the pics. Our fridge circuit plug was bad, but replaced under warranty. I would look there to see if you have power going into the slide.

Posted : May 25, 2018 2:01 PM
Posts: 10846
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I commend the individual's who put this site together. I have never had an issue. Everything I have had questions about is on this forum........Thanks for making it easy to navigate.....

Posted : May 26, 2018 8:54 PM
Posts: 10846
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That was very helpful. Thank you

Posted : May 30, 2018 4:41 PM