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Power Cord Reel Problem 2015 38GK

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Anyone know who makes this?

Went to pull out yesterday and would not reel in. The switch appeared to be stuck in the reel in position. I pulled the switch and ordered a new one, due in today but I checked voltage on the switch wires and nothing. Checked fuses and replaced 1, rechecked voltage and was fine. I rechecked voltage today and nothing again.

I have 2 wires on the outside of the reel enclosure that I get voltage to. I am wondering if I can wire that switch to those 2 wires?

The enclosure is impossible to get into without cutting the enclosure to pieces.

Posted : January 18, 2017 4:08 PM
Posts: 10846
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Sorry for your luck Ron, I googled and found this:

You might have a mini breaker up by the charger bar that actually powers this. Sorry but I don't know how Redwood actually runs them. Haven't seen one in person yet.


Posted : January 18, 2017 7:51 PM
Posts: 10846
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2015 was the first year they introduced the Power Reels as a staple item in the Redwood. It was a major complaint at the 2015 Rally. Redwood listened and invoked. For many, this was/is a great feature. I sometimes wish I had one on the 2014.

The bottom line is that unless someone has had to dig into this, there may not be much information. You know Redwood won't issue wiring diagrams. It depends on who showed up for work that day and how they felt. There are "patterns". One would think that as the units are fabricated on an assembly line, they would all be the same and there would be prints. As an owner of a Company, "I" would want streamlining for consistency. It would also help with Continuous Improvement processing maps. Bottom line is that costs would be measured and controlled. We do this every day at work. I won't tell you where I work, but if we built products the same way they build RV's, America would be in trouble...

Posted : January 18, 2017 8:04 PM
Posts: 10846
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$200 later... I had a mobile RV service come out and cut a hole in the side of the enclosure so we could access the electric connections. Found the reel motor is shot. The power cord is fixed on the reel and cannot be just unplugged so I will secure that end with Gorilla Tape and tie the remainder 30 ft. of cord to the ladder and hope I don't end up dragging it down I-10.
This should be interesting to find out how Redwood handles this warranty issue as a full timer.

Posted : January 18, 2017 9:03 PM
Posts: 10846
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Tried to do a little research on Shoreline Reels and their Warranty Periods...

Not good...Next to the last line at the bottom...1-Year...

I would have to say that any manufacturer placing a 1-year warranty period on their product must not have faith that it will last. How many times a years does one pull the cord in or out? Based on this, for me, I would opt for another brand. At least a 5-year warranty minimum.

Maybe Redwood honors under the 2-year Warranty Plan?

I don't know which specific model you may have, but here is one and the warranty period:

Posted : January 18, 2017 9:37 PM
Posts: 10846
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If it is like the warped entrance door, that they knew there was a problem, you will be left in the dark. (2014 GK38 also)

Posted : January 19, 2017 8:46 PM
Posts: 10846
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Made it to Quartzsite without dragging the power cord. Tied the power cord to the ladder. 2015 38GK looked like the Beverly Hill Billy's running I-10.

Posted : January 19, 2017 9:04 PM