Q: What is the ROG?
The Redwood Owners Group (ROG) was formed in 2016 following the Redwood National Rally in Shipshewana, Indiana when owners who were present clearly voiced their desire to form an owner alliance for Redwood Luxury Vehicles. The organization was endorsed and began with a generous donation from Crossroads RV.
Q: Who owns the ROG?
The ROG is a non-profit corporation chartered in Indiana for the sole purpose and benefit of its members. It is owned by the membership and is governed by the ROG Board of Directors, volunteers who are selected by its membership. ROG is not affiliated with Redwood RV, Crossroads RV, Keystone RV or Thor Corporation.
Q: Why does the ROG exist?
The ROG is designed specifically to provide Redwood RV enthusiasts with knowledge, expertise and ideas to enhance the ownership experience for all current, former, prospective and potential owners of Redwood Luxury Vehicles manufactured by Crossroads RV/Redwood of Topeka, Indiana.
ROG maintains regular communication with the Redwood Management Team and has provided valuable feedback for improvements to the Redwood RV, and has assisted many owners who were not able to gain satisfaction through the dealer network.
Q: What does the ROG do?
The ROG maintains the RedwoodRVowners.com website which includes an invaluable Technical Library as a resource for owners. The ROG organizes and hosts the annual Redwood National Rally and facilitates regional Redwood owner gatherings and caravans. ROG also moderates the discussion forum at RedwoodRVowners.com as well as the Redwood Owners Group Facebook page.
Q: What about the “other” forum?
ROG is not affiliated or responsible for any other forum other than RedwoodRVowners.com and the Redwood RV Owners Group Facebook page.
No one in ROG has any responsibility for monitoring any other forums other than the two listed above, and there is no guarantee that questions or technical issues posted on any other forum will be brought to the attention of ROG or Redwood RV.
Redwood RV Management Team regularly monitors the ROG Forum and the ROG Facebook page.
Q: What goes on at the National Rally?
The Redwood National Rally is a time of great fellowship and friendship among Redwood owners. While there is ample free time for exploring the Amish community in Shipshewana, the Rally consists of:
Assistance from Redwood factory technicians
Technical Workshops of interest to owners
Evening meals and social opportunities
Vendors who provide upgrades and assistance to owners
An opportunity to meet and hear from the Redwood Management Team
Tours of the Crossroads/Redwood RV factory in Topeka, IN
Q: Why should I consider joining ROG?
We believe our nominal membership dues are well worth the investment into our Owners Group. Without the ROG, there would be
- no technical library.
- no direct link to the Redwood Management Team.
- no organized Annual National Rally where owners are provided with outstanding technical support and assistance from the factory, usually free of charge.
- no ability to provide organized feedback and suggestions to the Redwood Management Team.
Q: What are the membership dues used for?
While there are many free resources available especially when attempting to troubleshoot an issue, becoming a member of the Redwood Owners Group helps offset the minimal ongoing costs of maintaining the ROG website.
Membership dues are not used for the Annual National Rally. The Rally is self-supporting through its registration fees by those who attend.