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Board of Director's Annoucement

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It is with great regret that the Redwood RV Owners Group (ROG) board of director's announce the resignation of Andy Patterson as President of The Redwood RV Owners Group.  Andy has submitted his resignation as of December 10, 2019 to the board for personal reasons.  As of this date the board has accepted his resignation and have unanimously accepted and elevated Paul Bridges (Vice President) to the role of President of the ROG.  On behalf of all the members and the board, we wish to thank Andy and his family for their unselfish dedication to the ROG and wish them all the very best in the future!  We hope that we will see you and Judy at some of the many get ROG events in the future!  

Active Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 14

So sorry to learn of Andys resignation. We do appreciate all the time and effort that you put into the ROG. Thanks Andy!!!

2012 36RL Dual awnings, 6.5K onan, Fisher Paykel dishwasher, Splendide combo, Full body Paint, attended national Rally 2014, 2015 & 2016
2015 F550 176" WB, B&W Companion, 8' Longbed box

Oriana reacted
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 81

Paul has some rather large shoes to fill, But I feel he is up to the task..

Good Luck Paul..


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Posts: 4

Andy was with the ROG since it started and I for one, appreciate all the hard work that he did to help make this club a huge success.  He had big shoes to fill after Chuck Treadway and has done well in stepping into the same shoes and made great strides!  We'll all miss him is an understatement.  I know that Paul will carry on with the support of all the members and I wish the best for him in this new adventure.

Oriana reacted
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 14

Thanks chaps - We are off on another extended cruise Jan 4th so will be out of contact for 5 months. In addition, for the past 2 weeks we have been looking after our grandkids ( 4 yrs & 6 mo) 24/7. Our SIL is in Regina completing his RCMP training and daughter just had surgery, so was unable to lift the baby. Judi & I stepped in and wow, looking after a baby is a tough job.

With the new website almost ready and the 2020 rally approaching, I just didn't have the time to continue, so passed the reigns to Paul. Hope to see everyone at Lisa's 2020 rally.

New Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 2

Sad to learn that Andy has stepped out of ROG leadership.

Andy has been an amazing force for the ROG, he and I together began this whole Redwood owner community out of a shared love and passion for the betterment of Redwood owners. Andy and Judy both have contributed so much to this organization and his guiding light will be missed.

I wish Paul, and the other ROG BoD members the very best in continuing the efforts and representing the owners in discussions with Redwood.

Paul Bridges
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 154

Thanks for the well-wishes! Andy has set a great foundation for the group to prosper, and Lisa is doing an amazing job coordinating the National Rally. We’ve gained at least three new members this month just with the launch of the new website and hope to continue to grow ROG as a resource for all RW owners. 

2015 Redwood 38RL
2016 Ford F-350 CC KR DRW 6.7 Powerstroke
