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Sorry for the long post but I've got to vent a little.
At this year's rally, we were diagnosed as one of many units that needed gussets added to the slide mechanism of our 2012 36RL. When their tech showed up to do the work, he inspected underneath and reported that there was quite a bit more repair work needed than just the gussets so we made an appointment to get the repairs done at their location near Shipshewana. We show up at the appointed time of 7AM only to be told that they had changed our appointment to noon. We weren't consulted. We left the unit and returned at around 5pm when they told us the unit would be finished. The tech said that he had made the repairs, adjusted the slides (not sure why) and everything was back up to snuff. We paid our $900 tab and continued our trip.Everything was fine . . .for 1 day. The second day, Friday, when we got into a site, the driver's side slide would not operate. After many calls to after-hours service, it was determined that the repairs would have to be done by a professional and several attempts were made (by us and the tech) but, no joy until the following Monday. Without this slide open, we had no access to the fridge, stove or microwave so we took all our meals al local restaurants that weekend. At some point Sunday, I decided that since it wasn't working, I could cause no further damage and tore into the repair lying in the gravel driveway. I had it diagnosed in 15 minutes and repaired after a trip to the hardware store for a missing jam nut on the actuating cylinder along with copious amounts of Loctite. The Lippert rep., Joshua W. Northam called a few times trying to coordinate their mobile repair service with our travel itinerary. After not being able to locate anyone in their Service Department in the Northeast quadrant of the US, it was decided that they would send someone to our home after the trip. That tech showed up in September. Upon inspection, he says that there is still quite a bit of frame work required to correct the issues. I asked him to have Joshua W. Northam call me with an estimate so we could drag the unit back to Indiana for repairs. Nothing was heard from Joshua W. Northam for several months and more than a couple of e-mails. I finally got the quote after sending an email to the CEO, Jason D. Lippert and following up 2 weeks later with an actual posted letter. They are now quoting $3487.10 for as yet unexplained frame failure. The unit has never been wrecked and so I'm left to wonder what could have caused this catastrophic failure just 2 years after the warranty expired.
Lippert's laissez faire attitude after our failure on the road; their inability to get someone to try to fix their faulty repairs; the complete lack of any explanation of what has failed and what was the likely cause of the failure;
have left me thinking that their recently professed attempt to salvage a tarnished reputation in the user population was a very short lived and failed effort.
Putting away soapbox.
