
Slide Room Controll...
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Slide Room Controller Energizing the Pump uncommanded

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A little help from my friends, please. I have a failed controller for the two hydraulic slides. It has failed such that 11-13V is being sent to the hydraulic pump solenoid and hydraulic slide valve causing the pump to run (attempting to drive the slides open) and trip the auto reset pump breaker causing a cycle of run/trip breaker/reset/trip. I immediately unplugged the signal wires from the solenoid and hydraulic slide valve and power cable from the pump to stop the pump from cycling and the hydraulic valve from heating up.

I have proven (with help from Lippert Tech Support) the level up system controller is not at fault by unplugging and removing it and rechecking for the errant voltage. The voltage remains at 13V and many amps! Yikes!

My question is where the controller for the slides might be found n my 2017 3401RL? It has to be a box separate from the touch screen iN-Command inside the coach. The slides are not part of the Lippert system and all it’s components are installed by Redwood at the factory. Their wire piggyback onto the Lippert system at the pump solenoid and valve manifold hence the likely source of the errant voltage. This year is before Lippert took over the hydraulic slide room actuation.

I have the easily removed basement partial wall (the one behind the utility closet) and I’m resisting the removal of the rest due to the main collector/breaker panel, vacuum and radio are fastened to it, unless behind that is where the slide controller is hiding.

Fortunately my coach is safe and sound in our spot here in Apache Junction, AZ.

Calling John Andersen, Jeff Webber, Vaughan Fitch. TIA!
