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The Newest Disney Specialist Travel Agent

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Yup... That's me.... If anyone wants to book anything Disney, drop me a line.. I am now a certified Disney travel agent on the side..

I can get quotes, answers.. anything..


Posted : February 8, 2019 6:34 PM
Posts: 10846
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Congrads! does this mean your going to be spending time down in frontier land for winters?

My cousin and some of the traveling crew we meet up with have talked about doing a Disney trip . Maybe this is a conversation around the camp fire in the spring. We currently have a trip to Delaware state park mid summer so early next spring would be a good ideal for a target date. My Mom and Dad have a place 20mins from the park in Lakeland Fl I am sure it would make them happy to see us over the winter. Thinking April school vacation ,three of the traveling crew are school teachers.

Posted : February 9, 2019 8:21 AM
Posts: 10846
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Mark, When will you be at Delaware Sate Park? We stay in the Delaware State Seashore Park, on the North Side for Memorial day... 4th of July... and Labor Day.

That's funny, my wife works for a School District also and all our Disney trips are either spring break, or summer.... We are doing 2 weeks there this summer..

If and when you decide, I would be glad to help... even if you want some pricing ahead of time to get an idea...

Posted : February 9, 2019 9:39 AM
Posts: 10846
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We have reservations for the last week of July , we are staying in the South Park just across the inlet from where you. Have you been to that area before?

It's nice to walk under the highways from the campground to the beach, the south side has the beach house so you can get a cold one.....or four take the drive to the state park just outside ocean City Maryland , there is wild horses and deer so tame you can almost reach out of you car window and touch them. They also let campers stay overnight in the park (with reservations) not sure what they offer for amnitys. Ocean City has a cool jet boat ride in the bay that you can make a day trip down and hang out. There must be 100 traffic lights on the main drag of ocean City so don't take the trailer in that area

Posted : February 9, 2019 6:54 PM
Posts: 10846
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We have reservations for the last week of July , we are staying in the South Park just across the inlet from where you. Have you been to that area before?

It's nice to walk under the highways from the campground to the beach, the south side has the beach house so you can get a cold one.....or four take the drive to the state park just outside ocean City Maryland , there is wild horses and deer so tame you can almost reach out of you car window and touch them. They also let campers stay overnight in the park (with reservations) not sure what they offer for amnitys. Ocean City has a cool jet boat ride in the bay that you can make a day trip down and hang out. There must be 100 traffic lights on the main drag of ocean City so don't take the trailer in that area

Mark, we are only about 2-1/2 -3 hours from there ( in PA ). Been going for close to 10 years on the south side and switched to the North side when it opened 3-4years ago. Before here, we were going to Frontier Town Campground down in OC... Our first tent camping trip was to Pokomoke State Park, just outside OC probably 35 years ago... Used to spend a ton of time out on Assateague Island State Park, surf fishing with the wild horses..

Posted : February 9, 2019 7:29 PM
Posts: 10846
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We just sold our house in Lower Slower, and full timing just outside of Chincoteague.

Posted : February 9, 2019 10:15 PM
Posts: 10846
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Joe , We are meeting my cousin in Delaware . They live in Muncy PA along with a few couples they travel with a re from that area.

Posted : February 10, 2019 7:36 AM
Posts: 10846
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I know Muncy, never been there, but its just east of Williamsport.... I am Between Philadelphia and Allentown PA

Posted : February 10, 2019 9:17 AM
Posts: 10846
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I know Muncy, never been there, but its just east of Williamsport.... I am Between Philadelphia and Allentown PA

My cousins wife is a teacher In Williamsport school system.

More then a few times We have gone out to the camp ground in Racetown PA right on the river. My Dad grew up in a small town in that area.

Posted : February 11, 2019 8:10 PM
Posts: 10846
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I know Muncy, never been there, but its just east of Williamsport.... I am Between Philadelphia and Allentown PA

My cousins wife is a teacher In Williamsport school system.

More then a few times We have gone out to the camp ground in Racetown PA right on the river. My Dad grew up in a small town in that area.

My best friend has 90 hunting acres in Franklindale PA.. Just north of Williamsport.. we have gone there and stayed in a campground in Wysox PA, right on rt 6...east of Towanda.... I love that part of the state ! ! !

Posted : February 11, 2019 10:28 PM
Posts: 10846
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a 45 min ride down RT 220 heading south out of Towanda and I would be at my cousin house. back in 2005 I purchased a snowmobile used from a guy in Towanda. Small world....

Posted : February 15, 2019 9:56 PM