Quick question: What "Trip Planner" app or program, if any, do you use to begin planning for a longer trip to areas that are new to you? We are planning that "first big trip-3 or 4 months- after retirement" and need a bit of direction. Thanking all in advance.
I use a combination of AllStays (App in iPhone & Website AllStays.com) for places to stay, low bridges, gas stops, etc etc; then Google Maps for routing and distance calculations; then TripAdvisor for things to do and so forth.
Ken & Gizzi
Ford 2015 F350 DRW
"My Redwood; Go anywhere and always be at home."
"The trouble with trouble is it starts as fun"
"I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been" - Wayne Gretzky
Rand McNally Truckers Map.
It's reliable. I never get lost and I know where the low bridges are.
The only downside is that it is not backlit :woohoo:
For campground searches, I use Google Maps to calculate distances, then any or all of the following sites to find a campground
- RV Park Reviews - http://www.rvparkreviews.com/
- Campendium - https://www.campendium.com/
- Camp Scout - http://www.campscout.com/
- Casino Camper - http://www.casinocamper.com/
- Overnight RV Parking - https://www.overnightrvparking.com/
- All Stays - https://www.allstays.com/
- Ultimate Public Campgrounds - http://www.ultimatecampgrounds.com/
Again use Google Maps & Street view to conform we can safely access the campground.
For local areas, I use Tripadvisor to research local attractions, craft breweries, wineries, restaurants, etc.
Google maps for routing, Motor Carriers atlas if going on secondary roads & RVparkreviews for parks. There's several good free rv park apps, that's free apps, but there's also one for free parks, as well as casinos & other places.
We haven't been big planners, just go, it's worked well for us for the past 10 years. We only travel 5 to 6 hours daily & may stay a day (actually minimum 2 days, we hate traveling every day), week or month, depends on what's in the area.
I have a friend that already has next summers itinerary all mapped out, almost to the hour, that takes all the adventure out of the fulltime lifestyle.
Travelin' Texans
Former '13 FB owner
Currently rvless!!
I use Rvtripwizard.com along with Rvparkreviews.com and the Tuckers Atlas. These three have work well so far. Used to use Good Sam but Mr. Lemonis changed that.
Please explain about Goodsam trip planner
Please explain about Goodsam trip planner
Only ever tried it once and that was 5 yrs ago. Similar to Google Maps, it gives you distances and route between 2 points, but also can show campgrounds on the route. Can be uploaded to a GPS.
First time out, I planned the entire trip and then uploaded it into the GPS. It was cumbersome calling up the route every day, so we deleted it and opted to enter the destination each day.
If I remember right it is available to all Good Sam members on their website.