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Front slide leak

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Just thought I would bring this over from the other site so maybe RW will see it.
Sorry.... JUST FRUSTRATED tonight but thought all should read.!!!

Other post:

I have a 2013 36FL. After driving through the rain for 4 hours, I noticed some water leaked from the slide while closed onto the living room carpet. After further inspection, the hard plastic shield covering the bottom of the slide floor leaked water from the edge which goes farthest into the RV (leading edge as the slide moves in). There appears to be water between the outside hard plastic and the floor of the slide. Once I pulled the slide out, it appears the slide floor the part facing the elements (covered by the hard plastic) is soft in a few spots. Any ideas how the water is getting between the hard plastic cover and the wood floor of the slide? Has anyone else had this problem? Any repair ideas?

My post:
We just found the same problem on our 14 36FL. I am still very frustrated at the moment and most likely will never consider a RW again after this mess.
I believe I found the leaks on both front slides. Appears to be the roof seams were the tape is applied and RW will just say I didn't keep up with my maintenance. Have cleaned well and added new Eterna bond tape on all. I believe this was the leaking point but not 100% yet.
Hard plastic held water. Our slides are open 95% of the time.
Now the frustrating part that I have not ripped into yet is I believe the plywood under the bottom hard plastic is nothing but rot, mush and probably mold. I am hoping I can actually do this repair without taking the slides out. Might be a few months before I get to it.
REDWOOD...…. we love ours and plan to keep it but we are DONE and will NEVER buy another RW.
I will never recommend a RW to anyone again and will only tell them to stay clear and buy something else. All these years of owning RV's I have never had this many issues until RW came into my life.

If I had to pay for this repair and luckily I can do it myself but it probably would be well in the thousands since any dealer would take the slides out.

Pictures to follow when into it.


Posted : October 26, 2019 9:02 PM
Posts: 10846
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Sorry you are dealing with this issue Steve, Hopeful you can get full resolution quickly.

So the leaks were/are on the actual slide's themselves?? Do you have toppers? Would they have helped?


Posted : October 27, 2019 10:07 AM
Posts: 10846
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Yes I believe leaks are/were on front slides. Roof plywood does not feel bad at this point. water must have traveled down inside of walls to bottom somehow. Some of the tape you could press on and water would come out but there was no visible signs of bad roofing as I always look it over.
No toppers!!! If I did most likely would not have happened. Don't think any RV should be dependent on toppers to keep the water out. Lesson learned again!


Posted : October 27, 2019 5:54 PM
Posts: 10846
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I agree that NO RV should be dependent on slide toppers....

Glad to her that the roof feels hard...

Posted : October 27, 2019 7:44 PM
Posts: 10846
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The most common cause for slide leaks is the caulking around the hard plastic flange. This pictures shows that crack in the caulking, I am not saying this is the cause of your issues, but it is worth checking.

Posted : October 29, 2019 7:21 AM
Posts: 10846
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The spot that Tony shows is exactly where my "16" was leaking from.... I could not figure out where it was coming from at first...

It would leak with the slide in or out, the same amount..

I figured there was NO WAY it was coming from there, sealed that p and no more issues.

Posted : October 29, 2019 8:08 AM
Posts: 10846
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What are you using to caulk the flange?

Posted : October 30, 2019 6:18 AM
Posts: 10846
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Clear GeoCel, that is what the original was when the coach was built. You need to caulk the whole length of the seam, not just the corner. This issue applies to almost any RV I have seen, not just Redwood.

Posted : October 30, 2019 6:51 AM
Posts: 10846
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What are you using to caulk the flange?

Like Tony stated, GeoCel works well, I used the Proflex line on my last Redwood, have since purchased 2 tubes of the 2300 MHRV, which is supposed to apply nice as well.

I received a good tip for applying, I took a roll of 3/4" wide painters tape and ran it down the side, about 1/8" inch away from the gap, I then ran another strip on the upper edge, about an 1/8: also...

Get a paper cup full of soapy water, apply the clear sealant in 1 continuous bead, starting from 1 edge, going to the other.

Once done, dip finger in soapy water and run the across the bead to smooth it and level it.. as soon as your done, carefully remove the tape for sharp, clean edges with no smears on the paint..

Posted : October 30, 2019 8:50 AM
Posts: 10846
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I used OSI QuadMax.

Posted : October 30, 2019 8:22 PM
Posts: 10846
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THANK YOU Tony!!!!
Might be some of the issue also. I just assumed it was from the roof. Will look again this weekend.


Posted : October 31, 2019 7:07 PM
Posts: 10846
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Has anyone ever tried a thin 1/16" piece of flat rubber under the molding wrapping both the side wall and the edge of the bedroom slide floor? This should eliminate the constant redoing of the GeoCel. I currently have the whole piece of molding on the slide bottom off and am seriously thinking of trying the rubber. Also, I checked with GeoCel and was told, reluctantly, that the 2300 and the 2300MHRV are the same thing. Studying the specs sheet on their website is what led to my phone call to GeoCel. Only difference is the 2300MHRV is only sold through RV dealers only for $15-$20 / tube. 2300 is available at major roofing supply dealers for $6-$8 / tube. Go Figure.....

Posted : November 5, 2019 7:58 AM
Posts: 10846
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We have had the same issue with persistent leak in the corner of our slide. We looked at every possible entrance I could find. The slide roof now has enough dicor and enternabond to with stand hurricane! Yet the problem remained.

My last ditch effort before taking it in was to check out the window in the end wall of the slide. So we pulled it out (after consulting youtube). Immediately found screws at the top that were rusted. When the window was out we could see that the sealing strip was not pinched against the wall in a couple of spots. It was bunched up and essentially useless.

We had purchased black butyl tape and clear geocell sealant. After cleaning the surfaces, we reinstalled the window with the butyl tape and tightened all the screws down. Cutting the excess with a plastic putty knife was easy. We did wait a day before reinstalling the trim (the hardest part of the whole job) to retightened the screws. Some did take a quarter turn or so. Then we put a nice bead of sealant around the window (used the painters tape system) and it looks pretty good.

I waited until today to report this as we have not had a good enough soaking rain in the last two weeks to be sure we were successful. This morning we got drenched the leak is gone!

Just another idea on possible leak sources.


Posted : November 6, 2019 2:51 PM
Posts: 10846
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Previous to the Redwood we owned a new Cruiser Aire. Since day one the bedroom slide leaked. We took it back 3 times for the fix and it still leaked. Then one night we had 1.5" of rain and no leak, We we so happy I texted the dealership and congratulated them on their success. Next time out .06" of rain and we had the 6" diameter puddle. We were done dealing. Took it back and traded for the RW. The dealer now owned the problem and tore into it. They found two white asprin bottle lids between the slide seals on top of the slide. Sometimes they would cause a leak, sometimes they wouldn't!! Someone at the factory pulled a dirty trick that cost us some bucks but we love our Redwood.

Posted : November 9, 2019 10:57 PM